Workflows Use Cases

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Websites and mobile apps start with a prototype.

When you design a web project, the first and most fundamental step is crafting its structure and logic. This is where the journey to our sitemap builder begins. However, there are many contexts where you might think of prototyping a project and estimating its costs.

I have a startup idea

Having an idea is great, but if you’re serious about it, among other things, you’ll need to think through your projects and assess the scope of future development. allows you to collaborate with your teammates and rapidly develop the structure together. Once you have your idea, market data, and the prototype, it’s time to show everything to an investor.

I am developing a web project

Whether you’re a digital agency designing and developing a huge website or if you have a small pet project, everything starts with an idea and a structure.

I’m looking for an employee and created a test task

You’re looking for a web-designer, programmer, or a digital marketer to help you build a single project or for full-time employment. You sourced and screened every possible candidate, and the time has come for a test task. Hence, you’ve written design specs for the test task and created a sitemap or application structure that’s available online and can be easily accessed. Both brilliant specs and a comprehensive visual structure will help you find the right person faster.

I created an RFP and want to get my project evaluated by various contractors

You’re looking to find the most beneficial partner to develop a web project, or you want to run through a tender procedure. Structure your project, make copies, and send them out to every contractor so they can assess the timeline and costs. Once a contractor looks through your prototype, they can easily add the needed working hours and rates via the Estimates panel.

I requested the details of a project from a client

You had a meeting with a potential customer or partner and discussed the future project, but the conversation lacked in detail. Drop them a link to the sitemap builder so they could the project’s structure and get back to you. Now everything is specific, and you can clearly evaluate the scope and costs of the project.

I’m sending out a business proposal to a client

A beautiful and consistent proposal is vital. helps build beautiful visual sitemaps using various color and branding options. Create a stunning prototype and pass it over with your proposal as a PDF or printed copy. Sure thing, you might also want to provide cost estimates straight off.

I want to present an idea of a website

A huge screen, projector, and a ton of people: you’re presenting. And you know what, an Octopus sitemap will help you look great and won’t let you down: it’s colorful, concise, and clear. Yes, we had presentations in mind when creating Octopus.

I want to make a hard copy of a tech task for a website

You’re writing some tech specs. Like, by hand... Octopus sitemaps look great on paper too, so you love notes and sketches, feel free to print one out. 

I’ve got a copywriter working with my website

You created a website and now need content for every section. No problem! Send your writer a link to the sitemap. That’s a great way to grasp the overview of your project and start crafting relevant and engaging content. 

I want to optimize my website for SEO

Pass your sitemap over to an SEO specialist so they can easily add or replace meta titles, descriptions, headings, and cast other SEO spells. Since their input is well structured with Octopus, you won’t get confused and will quickly implement every change in your website.

I need to store project archives

You have a pile of projects with sitemaps and prototypes. This is an asset you will get back to in the future. We appreciate your work, don’t throw away your assets here and there: we unlimited sitemap storage that is reliably backed up twice a day.

I am learning to build website structures

Octopus is perfect for beginners: it is intuitive and straightforward. You can use it to practice and bring your ideas to life. We offer discounts for students and educators. So, drop us a line if you’re studying or teaching!

We are a digital agency, web studio, web developers, design agency, digital media…

Great! You are our ideal clients. Octopus is built by the founders of a web studio that spans for more than 17 years, and we know exactly what’s needed to craft beautiful sitemaps and prototypes. That’s why Octopus is so popular among agencies of various sizes. Welcome aboard!

We come from Edtech

If you are teaching in class or online, Octopus will make it easy for your students to learn visual sitemaps, the UX is intuitive, so everyone can focus on their project. We offer good discounts to educators, so just drop us a line!